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Frae Wikipedia, the free beuk o knawledge

Hiya, I'm Puzzle - or James, if you really insist on the answer to the puzzle of my real name!

Sorry for writing this in English, but as this is my user page, I want to be sure to express myself clearly. When I was growing up I did habitually use a small number of Scots words (gallus was a particular favourite) so in a very technical sense I could maybe call myself a native Scots speaker, but as you can probably tell from my edits expressing myself in the language is always a struggle and I have to go carefully.

My small claim to fame on this Wikipedia is posting the 1,000th article - can't remember exactly when it was or which one it was, but it was me! I haven't been around much lately, but I pop by now and again to see what's going on and I'm sure I'll get the Wikipedia bug again at some point.

In the meantime, you might like to have a look at my blog SCOT goes POP!, which is a highly combustible combination of politics, the Eurovision Song Contest, and anything else that randomly pops into my head!

I'll be back...